
Presentation + Bid Design

Presentation + Bid Design


A large part of my design role at Unity is creating engaging presentation decks for clients, panel talks, and new business pitches. These presentations were either done to reflect the design guidelines of the brand being presented to, or combining Unity brand elements to create a merged brand presentation.


The Prince Akatoki

The full deck can be found here.


The full deck can be found here.

Santa’s Lapland

The full deck can be found here.


As part of pitching for sustainability-driven consumer work, CO-OP and Unity met for a presentation focusing on agency culture and expertise. For the deck, we decided to show personalities and experience by playfully inserting ourselves into the world of CO-OP.

Viewed in person alongside talking points, a selection of the slides are below, along with selected creative.

Unity for Co-Op JM DRAFT copydd.jpg
Unity for Co-Op JM DRAFT copssy.jpg
Unity for Co-Op JM DRAFT copddy.jpg